Hammer Nutrition

N$ 42.50



  • Carbohydrates - As with all Hammer Nutrition fuels, we never add simple sugars to the carbohydrate profile. Perpetuem contains a specific maltodextrin, which provides nearly 87% of its caloric composition in long chain carbohydrates.
  • Protein - A calcium-enhanced soy protein isolate known as "XT" makes up nearly 10% of the caloric profile of Perpetuem, the same percentage that is cannibalized from muscle tissue during long, slow endurance workouts. This particular soy protein contains a very high amount of intact, cardiovascular-enhancing isoflavones.
  • Fat - A de-oiled "super lecithin" (extracted from the soybean) is ideal for consistently and reliably fueling the body and maximizing energy production from stored fatty acids.
  • Sweetener - Perpetuem contains Energy Smart®, the same healthy sweetener in Hammer Gel.
  • Consistent, stable energy, hour after hour
  • Easy to digest, no stomach or GI issues
  • Reduce muscle fatigue and recovery time
  • Unprecedented lactic acid buffering
  • Get a fulL, satiated feeling during prolonged all-liquid fueling
  • Minimize lean muscle tissue cannibalization
  • Unique carb/protein/fat formula for maximum endurance
- See more at: http://www.hammernutrition.co.za/shop/nutrition-d...


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